As I use Lotus Notes (currently version 8.5.2) on the Mac as well as in multiple VMWares, I do copy and paste my ID file quite a bit.
So, when I changed my Notes password I went to look for my Lotus Notes Data directory under:
Home > Library > Application Support > Lotus Notes Data.
To my surprise, the Library directory did not seem to exist.
So I went on a hunt!
It turns out the Library directory is still there, but hidden.
The way to get to that directory is the following...
1. Make sure your in the Finder app;
2. Select Go in the top bar;
3. Hold down the Option key (alt), and the Library directory shall magically appear.
Hope this helps!
Addition:This can be made permanent by opening Terminal and entering the following command:
chflags nohidden ~/Library/
Thank you to Jon Mell (@jonmell )
Very helpful. Ran into a little problem with my notes id file and it turned out that I needed to remove it from the Lotus Notes Data directory. Only problem was that I couldn't get to this directory from the command line or Finder window until reading your article.
Dan N.
This is great input. I struggled on this too yesterday and I will try this today.